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Sensory Friendly Cities Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that seeks to create inclusive environments for all people who experience sensory differences. Our mission is to raise awareness, educate, and create environments that allow all people to participate fully in desired experiences.


Through our work, we hope to inspire more businesses, workplaces, and community spaces to consider the sensory environment and create more inclusive spaces for all.


Our current goals are to:


  1. Create a comprehensive free listing of sensory-friendly spots around designated cities.

  2. Work with community businesses and organizations to create more sensory inclusive spaces.

  3. Increase access and enable admission to sensory inclusive spaces for people who might have difficulty accessing them.


We believe that through our work, we can make the world a more sensory inclusive space.


Between 5% and 16% of children

have sensory processing difficulties (Owen et. al, 2013) 

These sensory differences don't magically disappear with adulthood; many adults have sensory difficulties, as well.

Overwhelming sensory environments can cause people to avoid what could be meaningful and enjoyable experiences.


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